(The Fear of Heights)
The fear of heights was a part of my phobias series of my A-Level art. I interviewed people with the phobia to find out what elements of heights triggers them and why. I then had a vision of a sculptural interpretation of the fear. My aim was to create a sort of dystopian torture space. You're trapped in a room and the only way out is the long, never-ending ladder to the top.
I used cardboard to create the structure and painted it white with black lettering saying 'down'. The letters of the word are thicker at the top and wider. The lines get thinner and tighter towards the bottom. I did this to emphasise angle and accentuate the vertical dimension. I did a similar thing in the ladder. It is made at an angle so the bottom has shorter rungs and to top has wider rungs which also become further apart from one another. There is a gradient on the ladder to trick the eye using shade.
The way I shot the images, again, was done to exaggerate angle and give the space a ceiling-less feeling.
In these images I have done the lighting, composition, model making and photography.